Juan Llopis Climent, Secretary


Juan Llopis Climent (Madrid, 1957) has a degree in Biological Sciences, specialising in Zoology, from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Specifically, in the fields of mustelids, herpetology and entomology. He studied veterinary medicine. He has published works on the detection of plasmacytosis by counterimmunoelectrophoresis, and the use of sepiolite in mustelid feed. He wrote “Pathology of the mink”.


Other activities and affiliations:


- Manager of “Granjas de aclimatación SA”. He created Natrix, a travelling exhibition of snakes, to give lectures on the conservation of snakes in nature.

- Executive MBA from Esden Business School.

- Founder and manager of Mexi-Foods, manufacturers of Mexican tortillas, and Mexidis, importer of Mexican products. Sales Director of Delfos Qualitas, a quality certification company.

- Manager of KetbacK, an online platform sales company, and “Farmacias en la red”.

- Director and partner of the real estate developer “Prolar”.

- Director of New Maket, a professional model making company.

- Founder and president of the Minimundo theme park.

- Manager of JallModel Models.

- He studied contemporary history, philosophy and evolution at Universidad Carlos III.

- Writer of three novels: “Flor de Espliego”, “Athanatos” (Immortal) and “Las amantes del Führer”.

- He gives dramatized lectures on World War II. Frequent lecturer on evolution, snakes and immortality (Athanatos).

- Lover of German opera.



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