David García Monaj, Secretary of Science and Technology


David García Monaj (Huesca, 1979) is passionate about innovation and progress. His life has taken him from Huesca to Valencia, where he studied computer engineering, passing through Zaragoza, Berlin and finally to Madrid, where he has established his permanent residence. Currently, he is part of the Systems and Information Technology Management corps of the General State Administration, with a post in the Tax Agency.


Within the transhumanist context, his commitment focuses on an objective of transcendental importance: finding the cure for all diseases and achieving an extension of life expectancy towards indefinite horizons.


Regarding his vision for the political future of Spain, he proposes a bold and necessary approach. He advocates overcoming the party system that was consolidated with the Constitution of 1978, in favor of an authentic representative democracy. His proposal contemplates the elimination of closed lists, granting each district the ability to directly elect its representative in Congress. He also advocates a real separation of powers, where constitutional bodies are not appointed by politicians in power.


Regarding the electoral system, he promotes a direct and transparent approach: a system of presidential and legislative elections based on national constituencies, where each citizen's vote has the same weight, and greater supervision is guaranteed in aspects such as postal voting, CERA voting and the official counting of minutes. He also advocates avoiding the concentration of control of the digital counting in a single entity, to ensure the integrity and impartiality of the process.


The deep desire to contribute to the realization of these objectives, recognizing the limitation of state support, was the driving force that drove him to join and actively participate in the Alianza Futurista project.



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